So years passed and although this space is abandoned half the time, I still look through it several times just to see the amusing bit of how much Ive grown in terms of maturity and lately, weight. School life has been pretty chaotic as schoolworks been pilling up non stop and now it just becomes a miserable pile of things incomplete. But with such short attention span and the comfyness of being at home, I can never sit myself down and get it all started. Other than that, everyone seems to be drifting out of sight and out of memory. Some of my friends are leaving abroad and some are just non existent in my head anymore which is really devastating at times. Sometimes I feel like im so lonesome. Anyone who actually still bother reading this, is sure one true fan I have and I am grateful!! But that is if....there is...that one true fan...hmm. I'll just continue living in denial.
I just came back from Malaysia and it felt so good to put my last place of embarkation on that sheet as "Cambodia" because I am so pleased to have survived those few days which were not very bearable because of the schorching sun and the unusual sight of naked children. It was highly disturbing. I am very proud of myself! Exams approaching and I already cant wait for the very moment I set foot out of that traumatising hall after having completed my last paper. Just that joy of finally completing the set of exams is so comforting. The results part is just another miserable story I wouldnt dare elaborate on because I am really wishing for the best this time. I shall not
jinx it.
After all this blabbering, I feel like I can only understand my lingo of writting.